named for the physical process used by some quantum computers: quantum annealing

start using smarter encryption today in your browser

What makes AnnealMail special?

  • GPG/PGP encryption is replaced by CodeCrypt
  • CodeCrypt's algorithms are believed to be more resilient to analysis by both quantum and classical computers
  • Learn more about Post-Quantum Encryption
  • Even before quantum computers are developed, you can start encrypting your communication so that it's more difficult to capture and decrypt later

An open source experiment

Source Code on GitHub

This plugin is based on the popular and user-tested Enigmail plugin for encrypting mail in Thunderbird, and Mirek Kratochvil's experimental CodeCrypt command line tool.

If you've used encrypted e-mail before, the experience should be similar.

AnnealMail is not tested as rigorously and is just an experiment. DO NOT USE this for mission-critical things.

This project is not affiliated with Thunderbird, Enigmail, or CodeCrypt. Use at your own risk.

Installation Instructions

  1. On a Linux or Mac OSX computer, install Mozilla Thunderbird and confirm that you can send an (unencrypted) email.
  2. Install CodeCrypt from source (with these changes for Mac OSX)
  3. Verify that CodeCrypt is installed on the command line (enter: ccr)
  4. sudo cp /usr/local/bin/ccr /usr/local/bin/ccr-agent
  5. Generate signing and encryption keys with CodeCrypt, with your e-mail as your name. Share the public keys.
  6. Download AnnealMail extension (no longer maintained)
  7. Drag/drop the AnnealMail extension into Thunderbird's AddOns tab and restart Thunderbird.
  8. Create an email draft. In the AnnealMail menu, select Protocol: CCR/MIME
  9. In AnnealMail > Preferences > Signing/Encryption Options, select your preferred signing key.

Contact Me

CodeCrypt uses different algorithms for encrypting and signing messages, so users create four keys: public encryption, private encryption, public signing, and private signing. Here are my public keys:

Download My Public Encryption Key

Download My Public Signing Key

I'm Nick Doiron, web developer consultant.

If you run into issues, you can send me e-mail (encryption optional) or Tweet @mapmeld